It is located in the grotte du Chameau located in the mountains of Beni-Snassen, Eastern Morocco.

The Grotte du Chameau, was declared a national heritage in 1951, is characterized by its huge galleries arranged on 3 floors, and a river of intermittent hot water in the background and that in times of rains rises in level.

It is one of the first cavities explored in Morocco and is known for being the first tourist cave in Morocco (1948), where they installed some small stairs for visitors, although its deterioration and poor security had to close again.

The cavity facilities are renewed through a project of the United Nations Program partially opened in 2015, and where new lighting, walkways and metal stairs are provided to save the unevenness and climate sensors.

It is currently within a project directed by Dr. Kadiri for its enhancement and open to tourism, along with nature activities in its environment, within a respectful and conservative integration with the natural environment.